Texas Issues Major Announcement about Election Audit: ‘Full Forensic Audit’ Is Underway in 4 Counties

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Texas has made a major announcement.

The state says it will be conducting a “full forensic audit” of 2020 election results in four major counties.

A local CBS affiliate reported, “The Texas Secretary of State’s office announced on Thursday, September 23 it has begun a forensic audit of the 2020 election in three North Texas counties, Dallas, Tarrant and Collin along with Harris County.”

“In a statement sent to CBS 11, it said in part: Under existing Texas laws, the Secretary of State has the authority to conduct a full and comprehensive forensic audit. We anticipate the Legislature will provide funds for this purpose,” the report added.

Under existing Texas laws, the Secretary of State has the authority to conduct a full and comprehensive forensic audit of any election.

The process has begun in Texas’ two largest Democrat counties and two largest Republican counties.

This includes Dallas, Harris, Tarrant, and Collin.

There is anticipation that the Legislature will provide funds for this purpose.

In an open letter to Governor Greg Abbott, President Donald Trump agreed with the Texas’ House Bill 16.

“Bills to audit elections in your great state’s House and Senate were considered during Texas’ Second Special Session.”

“Instead, the legislature passed a watered-down amendment that doesn’t even apply to the 2020 Presidential Election. This short amendment doesn’t answer the questions Texans have about the last election. Texans demand a real audit to completely address their concerns.”

President Donald Trump recently issued two statements following the “huge findings” of the Arizona election audit.

Reports from the independent auditing agency Cyber Ninjas were leaked to the press. The reports uncovered “significant and undeniable evidence of voter fraud.”

“Huge findings in Arizona!” Trump responded.

“However, the Fake News Media is already trying to ‘call it’ again for Biden before actually looking at the facts – just like they did in November!” Trump added.

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“The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD!” Trump continued. “Until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure. This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately.”

“The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4 o’clock,” he said. “I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.”

Here’s a look at the two statements from Trump: