BREAKING: Findings of Maricopa Election Audit Leaked: ‘Both Encouraging and Alarming’

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Reports from an independent auditing agency were leaked to the press regarding the situation in Arizona.

The reports uncovered “significant and undeniable evidence of voter fraud,” President Donald Trump explained in his response.

Although it was a “draft report” of the audit of the November 2020 election in Maricopa County, Arizona, spokesman Randy Pullen explained it was “not the final report, but it’s close.”

Pullen said, “What has been found is both encouraging and alarming. On the positive side, there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official canvass results for the county.”

Pullen admits there were “anomalies” in the county’s voting records, but claims it “doesn’t look like” there was “massive fraud or anything.”

Despite this comment, the report clearly states, “None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant.”

The report says there “appears to be many ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election. Missing files and sloppiness also impeded the effort to audit the election.”

“[T]here are sufficient discrepancies among the different systems that, in conjunction with some of our findings, suggest that the delta between the Presidential candidates is very close to the potential margin‐of‐error for the election,” it said.

“It is recommended that legislative reform be passed that tightens up the election process to provide additional certainty to elections going forward and that several specific findings of our audit be further reviewed by the Arizona Attorney General for a possible investigation,” the draft said.

Pullen cautioned that the leaked document was not the entire range of information to be released.

More from Western Journal:

And despite saying that there was no apparent fraud, he indicated the issues were serious enough to throw the final vote county in question…

Maricopa County officials, who fought the audit tooth and nail from its inception, also came in for a scolding.

“Had Maricopa County chosen to cooperate with the audit, the majority of these obstacles would have easily been overcome,” the report said.

The draft audit report said that Arizona needs to make some changes.

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The audit said that a hand recount added 99 votes to Biden’s column but took 261 votes away from former President Donald Trump, who has frequently complained that election misconduct was a critical factor in his loss to Biden.

Although the audit had sections that were marked for revision, those dealing with the overall summary of the audit’s findings did not.

“Huge findings in Arizona!” Trump responded.

“However, the Fake News Media is already trying to ‘call it’ again for Biden before actually looking at the facts – just like they did in November!” Trump added.

“The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD!” Trump continued.

“Until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure. This is a major criminal event and should be investigated by the Attorney General immediately.”

“The Senate’s final report will be released today at 4 o’clock,” he said. “I have heard it is far different than that being reported by the Fake News Media.”