AOC To Speak At DNC Convention, But There’s One Major Catch: She’s Reportedly Only Allotted 60 Seconds

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As reported by Chicks On The Right as well as Townhall, the Democratic National Convention is set to take place next week and freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will be giving a speech.

However, there’s one major catch.

AOC’s time has been limited to 60 seconds, Business Insider reported.

From Townhall:

Interestingly enough, freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will be giving a speech to the mostly-online convention. Her time, however, has been limited to 60 seconds, Business Insider reported.

AOC didn’t seem bothered by the ball and chain that was put on her. Instead of turning down the speaking opportunity, she decided to work within the confines.

It will be interesting to watch and see what happens during the convention. Ocasio-Cortez, an early Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) supporter, has taken issue with Biden from the get-go. In AOC’s eyes, Biden isn’t progressive enough, especially on issues like Medicare for All and implementing a Green New Deal.

This was obviously the DNC’s way of realizing they have to give AOC air time. She ignites the base and younger voters. But they want to limit the amount of influence she has, especially during official party events, because she can – and will be – more of a liability than an asset.

Chicks On The Right commented:

I have to say, I have more respect for AOC than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She, at least, is honest about her beliefs. Most Democrats of national prominence try to hide just how far left they truly are.

I’m certain that AOC can still do damage and say some REALLY DUMB things even in that small amount of time. Stay tuned.